First Photo Competition
I took the plunge and joined the Tomball Art League and entered into my first competition. Looking back, I wish I had brought more of the entries that I liked personally, rather than trying to guess what the judge would like- because I was totally wrong! The night before I did manage to shatter the glass of my largest framed entry. Way to go! Well if framing is anything like what I did in college, then a replacement is no biggie. Like $10. Wrong again- more like $45. I learned the hard way that frames bought at IKEA are sized in the metric system and our “standard” sizes are really the international exception. The big piece was already entered so I brought it into the competition anyway. Can anyone spot the rookie in the room? The one with no glass on a competition piece! You are correct. But as it turns out, of the 5 nicely framed entries I made, the glass-less one was the only ribbon winner! I’ll take it (: